Doubleview Podiatry

Corns and Calluses

Corns and Calluses
August 24th, 2016 / Corns On Feet

Corns and Calluses

Corns often feel like a lump of hard skin and tend to develop on the bottom of the feet and between the toes. Callus tends to be a more widespread area of hard skin and is commonly found on the big toes, heels, and on the bottom of the feet.

Corns and calluses build up over time and can become painful and uncomfortable if left untreated. In addition to this, they can lead to ulceration and possible infection, which is particularly concerning in patients with diabetes, reduced peripheral circulation or a compromised immune system.

Corns and calluses can develop for a number of reasons, including:

  • Poorly fitting footwear
  • The shape of your feet
  • The way you walk
  • Foot biomechanics
  • Neglecting regular moisturizing

They can be treated by debridement (scraping) and reducing pressure over the affected area to prevent recurrence.

To make an appointment to have your corns and callus assessed, you can call our practice manager Emma on 9341 5166.

We look forward to seeing you at our practice soon.

Stephen, Sara and Emma

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